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Cabin Crew Cover Letter Examples

Writing a Cabin Crew cover letter Examples is your introduction to the hiring manager. In order to stand out companies want you to present your relevant work history and skills according to the job you are applying for. Whether you're seeking an entry-level position or have been in your career for a few years, exposing your relevant achievements in your cover letter can allow you to stand out and get that job interview.

Our cover letter examples are written by certified cover letter writers and is a great representation of what hiring managers are looking for in a Cabin Crew cover letter Examples resume. Use this example for reference as you create your own cover letter or use this easy cover letter builder that will guide you through every step of your building your resume in just a few minutes.

In addition to the Cabin Crew Cover Letter Example, be sure to check out our Cabin Crew Resume Example.

Here are Cabin Crew Cover Letter Examples:

Dear Human Resources Director:

My name is Anna Patterson and I have been working on the cabin crew of an ABC Airlines 747 for the past 5 years flying out of Atlanta into London, Munich, Amsterdam, Zurich, Cairo, Milan and Barcelona. Now that I have a family, I would like to have the opportunity to fly a more routine domestic schedule. I have researched your regular corporate flight schedule at XYZ Industries and find it to be most attractive for my situation, particularly your Eastern Seaboard schedule. I am applying for a position as a member of the cabin crew for your fleet of corporate jets. My application, resume and a letter of reference from, George Thomas, one of my captains at ABC, are enclosed with this letter.

I have received 2 awards of accommodation during my years at ABC. The first was for delivering a baby in flight, ensuring the safety of the mother and child and helping to keep the other passengers calm. Our destination was London, and we were flying over the Atlantic when the mother went into labor; therefore an emergency landing was not possible. The other award was for an emergency situation in which our landing gear malfunctioned in Milan causing a fire. I assisted in evacuating all passengers safely through our standard emergency process. There were no fatalities or injuries. I am committed to the safety and security of all passengers and react calmly and rationally during any emergency.

I thoroughly enjoy everything about being a member of a cabin crew, from the diversity of the passengers I meet to the camaraderie and team spirit of the crew. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to bring my skills and love of flying to XYZ Industries. I am able to schedule an interview at your convenience should you have an opening for which I qualify. I can be reached on my cell phone at (555)-555-5555 or via email at [email] Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Anna Patterson

Anna Patterson

Example 2 -Unadvertised Opening

This cabin crew cover letter example is from a recent college graduate who desires to work on the crew for an airline that does international flights. She has always wanted to serve as a crew member on a large aircraft and is particularly interested in working on an international flight.

Dear Human Resources Director:

I am a recent graduate of the University of California at Los Angeles and I have a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology. My name is Wendy Charles and I am applying for a position as a member of the cabin crew at Spirit Airlines. Although I would prefer working international flights, I would greatly appreciate any opportunity for employment with your outstanding airline. My education in anthropology has given me an understanding of and respect for different cultures; therefore I believe my talents would be best used on international flights.

After conducting my own research into the various airlines in the U.S., I found Spirit to be the most attractive to me, especially in terms of commitment to superior customer service, passenger safety, fuel efficiency and airline security. During my 4 years at UCLA I worked 2 part-time jobs. One of my jobs was at the campus bookstore, and I was responsible for helping students locate the correct books required for their classes. The other job was in the Financial Aid Department and I helped the parents of incoming freshmen ensure that their scholarships were properly implemented. I acquired extensive customer service skills through my work on these 2 jobs.

I understand Spirit’s dedication to making sure that all passengers depart their flight having had an exceptionally positive experience, especially in today’s environment of high security which can make flying tedious and unpleasant.I share your airline’s commitment to customer satisfaction and am always willing to put forth extra time and effort to properly assist a customer.Please consider my attached application and resume when you are hiring cabin crew personnel. I am available any time for a personal interview and I can be reached on my cell phone at (555)-555-5555 or via email at [email] I hope to hear from you soon.


Your Signature

Wendy Charles

Example 3 – Response to Job Postings and Classifieds Ads

This cabin crew cover letter example is from an experienced member of a flight crew who is fluent in Portuguese. He currently serves on the crew of an airline and works on several domestic flights. He is now applying for an open position on the New York to Brasilia flight.

Dear Human Resources Director:

My name is Paulo Alonso and I have been employed by Adventure Destinations Airlines as a member of the cabin crew for the past 3 years. I have worked primarily on the New York to Honolulu flight, but have also worked the New York to San Francisco, Seattle and Miami flights on occasion. I am applying for the open position on the cabin crew of the New York to Brasilia flight which is listed on the website. The job posting specifically lists fluency in Portuguese as a requirement, and I am fluent in the language. I grew up here in New York, the son of Brazilian immigrants, and I learned Portuguese as well as English. I speak the language regularly with my family members in the U.S. and Brazil.

I have a Bachelor’s degree in Public Relations from New York University. I initially took the job on the Adventure cabin crew just because it was the first employment opportunity that came along after college; however I have found that I love this work and decided to make airline work my career. I am fiercely committed to passenger satisfaction both in terms of providing a safe environment and a pleasant flight experience. Over the past 3 years I have been faced with a plethora of passengers with special needs and extenuating circumstances and, with the help of my knowledgeable and highly skilled supervisors, have been able to handle each situation to the maximum satisfaction of the passengers.

I hope you will consider my attached application, resume and letter of recommendation from my crew supervisor. I am available for an interview at your convenience and can be reached on my cell phone at (555)-555-5555 or via email at [email] I believe I am an ideal fit for the cabin crew position on the New York to Brasilia flight and I hope to hear from you soon. .



Paulo Alonso

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